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How to make a perfect instant porridge?

Writer's picture: Geiger BiankaGeiger Bianka
Bianka Geiger holding a jar full of instant porridge mixture.
Photo by: Dániel Gaál

Porridge dishes are known all over the world - because they are simple and often made from cheap ingredients, you can find them in South Africa (“mieliepap”, a kind of corn porridge eaten as a side dish), Scandinavia ("grøt", which can be made from barley, oats or potatoes, sweet or savoury) or even China ("congee", a thinner rice porridge with meat and vegetables). In our childhood, we also have milk pudding ("tejbegríz"), rice pudding or pulp - but these are more time-consuming to prepare.

It's no coincidence that porridges have taken off in the last few decades: it's available almost everywhere in the world, it's quick and easy to make, and you don't even have to cook it, just soak it. It can be sweet, savoury, cold, hot, the only limit is your imagination. It's also high in protein and fibre, rich in vitamins and minerals, and essentially gluten-free, as it contains avens. (The reason you'll find gluten-free oats on store shelves is because they're not transported or stored with other grains.)

But there is a downside: it is too neutral on its own. In addition, if you mix it with water, it can get a bit slimy (which is good for your digestion) or too watery and tasteless. This is why instant porridge has become popular, a version that can be prepared without cooking, with any liquid, and can be kept for as long as you like when dry, just like granola. Chocolate or even fruit flavoured, enriched with casein or superfoods, but often with artificial ingredients for flavour or creaminess that are unfortunately not the best.

Photo by: Dániel Gaál

Become a professional porridge mixer!

The good news is that you too can make your own personalised instant porridge, and now TREAT Project's founder Bianka Geiger is here to help - you may also remember Bianka from our porridge-making workshops. Let's see the process:

A good porridge is actually made up of 5 elements, or steps.
  1. We always need a BASE, which is the body of the porridge. This can be oatmeal, but you can also mix it with instant rice, millet or buckwheat flakes, or even omit the oats. You should mix a maximum of two types and count on 30-40g per serving.

  2. Then comes the HOLD, which is responsible for the creaminess and, not incidentally, increases the fibre content. This is usually starch in the pre-made versions on the shelves, but oat bran and golden flaxseed flour are much better for this - the latter is produced domestically by Grapoila (and from organic flaxseed grown by the local Csoroszlya Farm), has a more neutral taste than plain flaxseed meal (though that's fine) and has a superpower: if it gets wet, it turns into a jelly. (You'll often see it in egg-free recipes as "flax egg" or flaxseed egg.) 1-1 tbsp is enough.

  3. The third phase is ADD. This is where we start to make things exciting: we use oily seed flours, which enrich the mixture as a natural vegetable protein powder (and slow down absorption). Seed flours are zero waste ingredients, by-products of cold pressing, delicious and can be eaten raw - almond, pumpkin seed, sunflower, poppy or even mustard seed flours, you decide. 2-3 tbsp will be perfect.

  4. Of course, a porridge isn't really porridge if it doesn't have colour. Now we come to the COLOUR part - cocoa powder, spices, coconut shreds, instant coffee, spinach powder, anything that will give the porridge character. Think about your favourite foods and what gives them their essence? Try to sneak that in. 😉

  5. But it's not just the flavours that add to the dining experience, but also the different textures. The TOP is the cherry 🍒 (literally) on top of the porridge: dried fruit, toasted seeds, or even leftover crisps lurking in the cupboard, crushed chocolate chips, crumbles, whatever you like to use up and make it crunchy, gooey, chewy.

An instant porridge made this way will not only keep your stomach full for a long time and stabilise your blood sugar, it's good for your soul too. ❣️ Do you love “zserbó”? Then use nut flour, dried peaches, chocolate chips! A fan of spaghetti bolognese? Use sunflower seed flour, tomato powder, Italian seasoning, Parmesan or brewer's yeast flakes! To make the porridge ready, just pour 1-1.5 dl of hot water/milk or broth over the mixture, and top with fruit, seed butter, yoghurt or even cheese and eggs if you like.

Perfect instant porridge: oats base with pumpkin seeds, rasberries and cornflakes topping.
Photo by: Dániel Gaál

If you want an even simpler solution, something ready made try our new collab product, Secontaste Instant Porridges, available for the first time in four flavours, developed with Grapoila and TREAT! Made with zero-waste ingredients like cocoa bean shells or seed flours, sweet and savoury, plant-based, sugar-free.

Beetroot Brownie, Carrot Cake, Hummus Hype, "Coffee" Cup - which one do you prefer? 😊

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